Ahead of the (Naked) Curve - By Chloe Batey
I don’t know if you’ve spotted it, but yes, that is my round body up there next to all those gorgeous women. A stroke of luck led me to play at being a model for a day, and not just any model, a lingerie model. Shockingly, there was pretty sexy lingerie in my size. Being plus sized it isn’t easy finding lingerie that makes me feel sexy as hell – but these pieces were pretty darn close to doing just that! The brand is “Naked Curve”, a plus size lingerie company ranging in sizes from 12 to 22 (though the range is awesome, the sets are not all available in every size). Naked Curve is run by two women who are campaigning for body positivity and acceptance, as well as creating a welcoming space for all those who consider themselves plus size. They stock lovely bodysuits, babydolls, bra and pantie sets, stockings, and bathing accessories.
Back to modelling. It was a Facebook post that allowed me to be considered for the campaign. I didn’t really expect to be accepted, believing I was “too plus sized”, but the angel side of my brain told me to go for it and so I did. A few moments (days? weeks? A period of time in any case) later I had received a response saying that they’d like me to be part of the campaign. Queue excitement. Queue nerves. Queue doubt. Queue LOTS of doubt. I was worried about sizing, about being the biggest girl there, about not being able to walk in heels. You name it, I worried about it.
The day came and I was one of the first ones to arrive. I was the first into the makeup and hair chair. The photographer and stylist came over to direct everyone in how to make me over, she indicated that she wanted me to be “edgy”. This concerned me, I won’t lie. I’ve never been “edgy”, I have never seen myself as edgy and I don’t think anybody other than the photographer had picked me as edgy. But I ended up with big makeup and a lot of braids. It took me a second, but I really enjoyed the braids (I kept them in for a few days afterwards too!)
Next was outfits. A long-sleeved, black bodysuit was chosen first, paired with large dangling earrings, a fur stole, and a pair of heels I couldn’t walk in. I wasn’t sold yet, but it wouldn’t take me long to start enjoying the way I looked and felt in the suit. As I watched each of the other girls get made over and styled I suddenly realised that I was a little out of my league. Some of the other girls were (are) professional models. All of the girls were STUNNING, and all of the girls were wearing sexy as hell lingerie. We got to the location and we all stood precociously on a few bricks in varying heights of heel. At one point they asked me to kneel in the front, I did so nervously worrying about my shape. However, what I didn’t expect was the pain and the cuts! The gravel I was kneeling on was not my friend. We battled against raging winds, flying dust, and the sun shining directly into our eyes.
When I wasn’t in the photo I stood and admired the other girls, I watched those who had experience in modelling. They moved differently to those who had never modelled. They fluidly moved every few moments and changed their body shape. I became aware I stayed still and just moved my head slightly. I remember at one point my leg shaking uncontrollably, I felt the intense need to apologise for it. We swapped positions, swapped outfits, and split into different groups. The photographer launched directions at us. It was chaotic and wonderful. I drove home in an interesting state, the nerves of the shoot had gone and been replaced with nerves about the photos – did I ruin them? Did they regret choosing me? I guess they can just edit or crop me out, put the logo on top of me. The inner diatribe kept flowing.
We got a few sneak peeks sent to us the same night, I thought I looked pretty angry, while the other girls looked hot, hot, hot. But a few days later, I can see that I don’t ruin the photos at all, and while I may look less secure than the other girls in the photos, I think I did a pretty good job. I’m not sure if the team at Naked Curve would ask me back, or if any similar opportunity would fall into place for me, but, I think given the chance I’d do this all over again. I have never been half naked in front of so many people before and not once did I feel judged, or out of place. Nobody was mean, rude, or dismissive. In fact, every single girl helped each other whether it was doing up clasps, holding things in place, helping people walk and move, or paying a compliment, everybody helped – and it was brilliant!
Check out a few of the photos below, and then go check out Naked Curve’s website.

And now make sure you check out each of the hair and makeup artists, the photogtapher, as well as all the models. Links to their instagram pages are below:
Amy Zampetides
Avery Michelle
Eloise Monique
Leecie Munster
Samantha Stanwell
Kristen Liane
Erin Melissa
Tabitha Coralyn
PS. Don’t forget to support these two fabulous women by buying from them – I know I just put in an order for a few new pieces!
NOTE: To see more pieces from Suzie A GoGo follow the original blog link to get to her page; https://suzieagogo.com/2018/07/12/ahead-of-the-naked-curve/